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Why do Aussie Recreational Fishers need a Charter?
Australia needs a National Charter for recreational fishing so that the important role recreational fishing plays within our community is recognized and enhanced by decision makers and the broader Australian community.
To date governments, policy makers and the broader community have not recognized the full range of economic, social and environmental benefits recreational fishing brings to all Australians.
What do we need?
A Dedicated Parliamentary Secretary for Recreational Fishing
The appointment of a parliamentary secretary for recreational fishing sitting within an appropriate senior portfolio
A Recreational Fishing Council
The establishment of a Recreational Fishing Council, chaired by the Parliamentary Secretary for Recreational fishing with representatives from other key portfolios and key representatives from the recreational fishing community
Recreational Fishing is a Sport
The Australian Sport Commission should officially recognize recreational fishing as a sport.
Long term sustainable funding
Investment by Government and the private sector is required to ensure the following key activities are delivered.
Science based access for recreational fishers
A comprehensive review of the IUCN categories used for determining activities with in marine reserves and marine national parks, assessing their application to Australian reserve systems and their relevance to Australian conditions – that is, we shouldn’t get locked out of an area unless there is a valid scientific, social or economic reason to do so.
Enhancing education awareness
It is proposed to develop a national education strategy to facilitate and co-ordinate educational activities at the national, state and local levels. This should cover issues like getting kids fishing and educating adults about the health and lifestyle benefits of fishing.
Research for recreational fishers
It is proposed to develop a dedicated public/ private sector research trust fund that can work with existing research funding mechanisms to focus research on priority areas for recreational fishing policy development. As recreational fishers we should know more about our contribution to the economy, society and the environment. A dedicated research program will assist governments and the broader community to understand the benefits of recreational fishing.
Enhancing and protecting our riverine and marine habitat
It is proposed to establish a dedicated public/ private sector environmental trust fund that will work with existing finding mechanisms and on ground organizations to facilitate activities that enhance and protect our riverine and marine habitat. Recreational fishers are true environmentalists and often lead the community in the protection and of our riverine and marine systems.
Please provide any feedback on what you think a Recreational Fishing Charter should look like or should contain.
Judy Lynne
Executive Officer
Sunfish QLD Inc.