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Go Fish : Rules

Created / Updated on Friday 13th of November 2015

One of the principal aims should be to foster the welfare, conservation and enhancement of fish species/stocks for present and future generations. SUNFISH shares the philosophy of other fishing organizations that recreational and sport fishing habitats are economic, social and recreational assets of inestimable value which must be maintained, wisely used and protected. Fishing is an important activity, which the angling public must be educated to pursue in a manner consistent with sound sporting and conservation practices.

Habitat destruction, degradation and modification resulting largely from human activities pose the greatest threat to the future and well being of fish species and stocks. Be aware of this and report any perceived instances of potential activities or actual harm to fish habitat. Littering is common place and anglers should set an example by taking their rubbish home with them to dispose of it properly.

(1) Anglers should be aware of the sensibilities of those persons in the community who are upset at the sight of blood, a dead fish or even a fish being caught, and should ensure that fish are always treated and handled in a way that shows respect for them.

(2) Illegal fishing activities by both recreational and commercial fishing sectors can obviously have detrimental effects on fish stocks and in extreme cases, entire species of fish. It is sound common sense to observe legal lengths and possession limits set by the Fisheries authorities. Illegal activities by anyone associated with fishing should be reported to the appropriate Fisheries authorities, making sure you state time, date, suspected offense and either boat or vehicle identification. (Use 008 225 1888 Fisheries' hotline telephone number).

(3) Good treatment and handling of fish caught is essential to maintain table fish quality or to give fish to be released a chance for survival. It is very poor practice to allow a captured fish to flop and flail on a wharf, rocks, on the beach or in the bottom of the boat. Land the fish as quickly as you can and if you intend keeping it, kill it immediately. If you are going to release it, follow the catch and release guidelines given later.

(4) Fish are a very valuable resource and should never be wasted in any way. When cleaning or filleting them, be economical and maximise the amount of usable flesh. To preserve the quality, store them in a refrigerator or ice box as soon as possible.

(5) It is unacceptable practice to leave unwanted fish or bait lying around at fishing or weigh in locations. Fish frames and offal left after cleaning should be cleaned up and disposed of properly - preferably in deep water. Fish waste left in public places or on the water's edge leaves recreational anglers vulnerable to public criticism. It could give the public the impression that we as anglers have little respect for the environment or the fish on which we depend for our sport and recreation.

(1) Consideration for your fellow fisherman should be paramount at all times by observing common courtesies such as allowing reasonable space to fish or not disturbing their fishing territory. Boating and vehicle laws are designed to protect everyone's rights and should be observed at all times - especially in confined waterways and on beaches.

(2) Anglers are ambassadors of their sport and should always conduct themselves in a manner that will promote the sport of angling, particularly when competitions and meetings are held in public places. Excessive alcohol consumption, offensive behaviour or language do not create a good impression of the angler, his club or organisation and should not be condoned.

Any fish caught and released has an excellent chance of survival provided it has been handled properly. By following a few simple guidelines, you can ensure the fish has a good chance of survival. A fish that looks unharmed when released may not survive if it has been handled carelessly.

(1) Time is important, so release your fish as soon as possible. A fish out of water cannot live more than 3 or 4 minutes. Keep the fish in water as much as possible. It weighs twice as much out of water and will be seriously damaged if allowed to flap around on a solid surface.

(2) Gentleness in handling is essential. Keep your fingers out of the gills and do not squeeze the fish. It is preferable to wet your hands or use a wet towel when handling a live fish to minimise scale damage.

(3) Remove the hook as rapidly as possible and as gently as possible. If the fish is deeply hooked, cut the line as close as possible to the fish's mouth and leave the hook in. Do not attempt to tear the hook out, as it will damage the gills.

(4) If the fish appears sluggish, hold it in the water in an upright position and move it backwards and forwards so water can be forced through its gills.


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