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Editorials : Projects

Filesize: 6,626 KB    Date: 30 Aug 2022 10:51
Qld Snapper Fishery Sunfish Pollock
The Queensland Snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) Fishery History, Stock Assessments and Management Barry Pollock A Sunfish open access publication 81 pages (6.5MB)
Filesize: 137 KB    Date: 06 Nov 2015 16:23
Fish Shop survey in the S/E QLD Brisbane
This survey is the second one done in 2012 (first in 2006) by David Bateman AM for Sunfish Qld. The purpose is to ascertain the availability & cost of local fish products in retail outlets compared to Interstate & Imported goods.
Filesize: 5,666 KB    Date: 06 Nov 2015 16:17
Dusky Flathead Paper
This has been done for Sunfish Qld by Dr Barry Pollock to assess the age and fertility of dusky flathead in South East Queensland.
Filesize: 682 KB    Date: 06 Nov 2015 16:20
Bream Project
This has been done for Sunfish Qld by Dr Barry Pollock to examine the cause of the common deformities occurring in bream in SE Queensland as indicated by pectoral fin and shape deformities commonly known as `Saddle Back Syndrome`.
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